
A New Year

A new chance to work on the issues that I wrestle with deep within. I am striving to down- size my life to enjoy more of the time I have on this earth. So much is going on in the world, I must get out of my own little space and make a DIFFERENCE for my children and grandchildren will be here long after I am gone.
I have dreams and aspirations that have fallen to the wayside in the pit of despair that I too often find myself buried in. For today, for this minute, I am being mindful of what I am thinking, saying to myself and others, and taking an accounting all I do that is affecting where I will be tomorrow. My weight, my work and the drudgery of life surround me and threaten to overwhelm me. I am stronger then that now.

The new year gives one opportunity perchance to dream-- I don't often allow myself to dream...it always seemed like a waste, a set up for certain failure on my part. I now that I am NOT a failure. I need to develop those dreams to lead me in my vision of the future--I need to develop that vision of my future that will allow me to enjoy my family, my work and maintain my accountability with and work for the Creator of the Universe.

Some things I want to do:
-Write and sing my own songs

-Obtain my Master's Degree with a 4.0 GPA from Boston University

-Open my own business, "The Institute for Occupational and Complementary Therapys" with my sister eventually as the Massage therapist and I the OT
-Become published Occupational Therapy related
-Get back to my lowest weight by this time next year ( that's 50# away) per the charts, I need to lose 78 but I am a realist
-Spend more time with PEOPLE-both those close in family and those I may not even know yet
-Work Less
-Save More for an earlier retirement and sane college years for my kids
-Spend Less to accomplish working less and saving more
-This one is a bit scary: start working on my PhD

One thing at a time, the most important being geting my mental image and my thought life under control and under the direction and admonission of God.

My prior blog was very depressing- it is a part of me that I know exists-I no longer want it to DEFINE me per se

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