
Life is SUPPOSED to be a certain way..

Life is supposed to be a certain way....well not really.... I read this today on 10 Lies You Were Tricked Into Believing

 "It is ultimately only our own thoughts that hurt us.  Simply feeling what we are feeling, and dealing with it honestly, can be very healing.  We always have the freedom to choose how we wish to respond to whatever life presents to us.  Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the real life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.  Change what you can change, change your thoughts about what you can’t change, and move on in peace."

I was at a training this weekend and learned many many things about relationships, people and myself.  Have you heard the expression "Life is what you make of it?"  This just dawned on me as I was sitting here typing..

Life truly IS what YOU make of it!!

Sometimes the external circumstances don't ring true to what you are thinking about--sometimes they do--and when they are not where you want to be, in order to change your reality, you must first change your perception of the reality.  

Change Your Thoughts!!  

If you are broke and struggling, focusing on that just creates more of the same--what you focus on grows----don't believe it?  Think about a day when you woke up and everything seemed dark, dreary, you were worrying about getting the bills paid, you became angry at your partner because they don't listen to you, you walk out to the kitchen and you drop your coffee cup--another mess, you get more angry--you hit every red light, you're late to work--you get the picture--one of those "anything that can go wrong will go wrong kinda days."   Next time this starts happening to you--change your thoughts--instead of focusing on what is BAD, focus on what is good....you can find the good in anything..really..your partner doesn't listen to you?  Find something they do that is good, be thankful you HAVE a partner, many people don't and want one...be grateful the coffee cup didn't have hot coffee in it..etc etc. I know it sounds trite at first but if you start this small and simply, you will begin to create a habit of gratitude and thankfulness.  

This can and will change your life........it is in keeping our vision below the horizon line, nose to the grindstone, day in day out, nothing changes, it's always the same Crap attitude that keeps you a prisoner-- don't be captive to your feelings--feelings are just that--feelings.  Look up, stay positive, look for the half full glass, the goodness in people, bring them up, not down--negative nasty backstabbing people don't prosper.....they never step into the life of greatness that they were born for, their purpose is forever on the horizon yet they never see it............When you change your perception of, you CAN change your reality!  Start now!

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