
Another Day

Yesterday was a successful day in that I am SO glad I decided to do a bit of strength training in the morning, because by the time I got home, I was exhausted and didn't feel well.  I actually took a nap for about 30 minutes-SO NOT ME! 

I did succumb to about 1/4 cup of gelato, but accounted for it in my calories as well as a Reeses..nothing to be proud of, it is what it is. What gets me is that I already Understand why I do these things to myself, almost a self sabotage of my eating plan...I didn't gain so much weight when I was younger by just eating food because I was hungry--I was eating to fill a void.. I wonder how many people do that and don't even understand why...

For me it is multifaceted, yes, it's a stress response coupled with some deep seated identity issues--I don't eat this stuff because it tastes good--heck LOTS of healthier things taste good, I made those choices and decisions because I was stressed--an excuse is what it is, an excuse to beat myself up with food because I was unhappy.  I allowed a fleeting emotion to control what went into my mouth.  How stupid is that?  Lately my emotions are far from fleeting--

but that's for another blog and story.......................

So woke up at 345 am this morning, remembered last night to set up my coffeepot--even bigger then that was I remembered to reset the clock as we had a power outage yesterday afternoon.......  so did some squats and walking lunges before I turned on the computer.  The scale was down .4 from yesterday--anything is welcome at this point--being in my late 40's my metabolism is just a joy--the whole hormonal thing, etc etc

Plan for today:
I CHOOSE to not work late
I CHOOSE positivity despite how I "feel"
I CHOOSE to eat in a way that benefits my body and will not feed into my depression....

Coffee with non fat milk and stevia-right now
Water water everywhere until I've drank 110 oz
Vi Shake on the way to work  Today's flavor probably simple with some spinach and half a banana and pro/neuro, I like that one best it seems
Chicken Thigh
Half Red Pepper
10 strawberries
Small Chef salad from Safeway
Vi Shake to recover--I WILL do my cardio and more exercise today

Dinner, up in the air, I don't like to eat dinner, I tend to want to eat earlier in the day then when Mark finally decides to come home.  I like to eat by 5--so I eat alone

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