
Never Lose Hope

I read the quote below and it 
really was what I needed today.  
~Hope Springs Eternal~ 

Something I have heard my whole life, 
we must learn to never lose hope because of the events in our lives. 

Embrace these events  that cause you to take a step back and ponder what you have done, the decisions you have made, and the chance to make course corrections and do things differently.  ~JmF~
"Every mistake, breakup, and setback in life is an opportunity to do it better next time.  
So keep your head held high.  We can live without a lot of things, but hope isn’t one of them.  Cultivate hope by latching onto stories of triumph, and words that inspire.  But most of all, listen to the quiet whisper of your inner strength when it tells you that this is only temporary, and that you will get through this stronger than you were before."  

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