
Daily Persistent Intentional Action

Persistence always wins. 
 As Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”  It may take more than one swing to compose an efficient hit, so make sure not to give up on strike #1.  And remember, a river cuts through rocks not because of its power at a given moment, but because of its persistence over time.
I read this and it hit me once again that the only way to fail is to quit--it's not just a saying or adage or idea  that I need to apply simply to my business but to my entire life.  If we don't persist at the things that matter, our relationships, our health, our loved ones, our businesses, then we lose the focus that we so need in order to keep what is important in the forefront.  For the short term, losing focus, not being persistent at what we want for our lives may not appear to have lasting impacts but small actions and decisions compounded over time, lead to massive results--good and bad--this principle doesn't just apply to a penny compounded daily for 30 days-- 
I have decided to choose Philippines 4:8 as my focus verse for my life for now--applying it's principles to my work, my business, my relationships and my personal walk through life.   Read it and you will see why as always the Word is truth and is never void :) Think about how meditating on the words and applying them to your life would create a quantum leap in the quality of your life.  
Daily Persistent Intentional Action. 

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