
Live A Life Of Gratitude

"Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: 
it must be produced and discharged and used up
 in order to exist at all."

William Faulkner
Live a life of gratitude, I am choosing to be and do this today-focusing on what I am grateful for, giving thanks and not focusing on what I don't have or haven't done.  What you focus on grows. 
As I sit here writing, it is kind of astonishing how "not simple" this can be~ we are so programed in our nature to focus on the negative, to whine, complain about what it is we don't have in the here and now when we need to see with our eyes, hearts and minds those gifts already given to us.  It seems that the things that mean the most are also those that are taken the most for granted. 
Is it REALLY important that the scale number goes down today and if it hasn't to be bitchy or is it more important to be thankful I woke up, I am not in pain, I am breathing, I have air conditioning, and that I have two amazing children that love me regardless of what an ass I can be?  We all have struggles--I am grateful for my husband~ even in the times when things may not seem to be going well, how many people out there are not in a relationship that is important enough for them to work through?  

Yes I am sitting here typing, taking care of me instead of rushing to work--and I choose to be thankful that I have that place to go to~it serves it's purpose and is a bridge to even better places.
What are you thankful for today?~JmF

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